Shining in the Face of Adversity

The DC Staff have risen remarkably to the challenges presented by Covid-19. To celebrate the strengths they have shown, the leadership of the school have identified the strengths they have seen in colleagues over the past few months. We are in the process of building the information below into a visual, that will remain online as a reminder of the incredible people that have sustained our College and its culture through a time of challenge. Check back later to see this visual take shape.

Please note: Not everyone has had a chance yet to add the strengths they’ve spotted… please check back later.

Name of Staff MemberI saw the strength of...Input from:...when you...
Adam MolloyTeamworkFiona Altoftenthusiastically helped in any way you could during the set up of the yr. 13 exhibition. Thank you for applying your expertise and with a smiling face.
Adam WardKindness and humourLindsay Fisher...ask how people are doing, and check in on our wellbeing. You always have a joke or a meme ready to go and it lifts our team's mood. Thank you.
Alan KirkSocial Intelligence
and Kindness
Shann Anderson....for always communicating so well with students in your learning team, in ways that were supportive and reassuring during school closure - when many students felt anxious, confused and overwhelmed.
Alastair MackSocial IntelligenceKevin RydeardHas consistently looked after the department. Always checking in personally to see how we are feeling.
Alastair MackLeadership and PerspectiveAnge Molonyled the mathematics department into the realm of remote learning. Your leadership demonstrated your own pedagogical strengths and created space for your team to share theirs. You listened carefully to the concerns of your department and went above and beyond to support them and provide solutions to ensure continuity of learning.
Alex WoodsLeadershipBrian McCann...kept in touch with your team of LAs, team of Ambassadors, whole year group and individuals who were struggling to ensure that no one was left behind or left out during the period of remote learning. You provided clear direction and were always responsive to individual needs.
Amanthi JayemanneTeamworkJohn Powersuch a great person to work with on the Y9 team. Ensured that I remained orgainsed during online learning
Amy FreedTeamworkPat Romano..for helping with keeping our community informed and your continued teamwork coming up with new ideas on how we can do this
Amy ProsserLeadership & Social IntelligenceAmy Freed...jumped in to teaching a new group of students and did so with ease. You've kept on top of the work they've been doing and inspired the students to keep active and meet their fitness goals.
Andrea OuimetteSelf-regulationBrian McCann..seamlessly adapted to conducting the Y13 Individual Orals in an online format with short notice. You are always unflappable and cope so well with any situation that is thrown your way.
Andrew ChanPerserveranceJoe solving many of the complications that our clients (students and staff) had in accessing software remotely. You solved each and every issue instantly
Andrew PagePerserveranceNigel Philipworked tirelessly, under an extremely short timeline, to get quotes and place orders for PHE equipment needed for the department to use next year.
Andy EastwoodTeamworkJason Edwards...for helping with the arduous task of documenting and organising information into useable data to help guide the Year 6 Exhibition (even though he loved it).
Ange MolonyFairnessFiona AltoftFor being inclusive and finding ways to help a boy that used to hate math, actually like it again. You go out of your way to find the best pedagogy for each student to help them find success. This makes a huge difference to a child. Thank you
Ani VillaverdeCreativityAnnette GarnettWhen creating the Year 6-7 Transition booklet, you were able to edit and work your magic in creating a useful guide for our students.
Anna SewardCreativityJason Edwards...crocheting a turtle to give tangible meaning in helping to guide our Year 6 students through a very different Exhibition process
Anna SherriffLeadership, CreativityKris Stanhopetook on the role of team leader in the most difficult time possible, and helped your team stay united, while delivering fantastic learning engagements for the Year 4 students. You are always able to come up with new ideas that push the whole team in new and wonderful directions
Anne LeeLove of LearningNatasha Yuan…for being so open-minded and enthusiatic in learning new technology in this difficult time in order to best support students learning at home.
Annette GarnettLoveJames Smith...devoted yourself heart and soul, at an already difficult time, to caring for a student when they were at their most vulnerable
Annie WongPerserveranceBob Priestworking from home with the challenges this has presented whilst coupled with caring for a young family.
Anson ChaiLove of LearningAnge Molonyworked tirelessly with your students to keep them on track, engaged, and up to date with their mathematics learning. You have so many students across so many year levels and you were able to maintain a very high level of learning in all of your classes.
Åsa HaeggblomLeadershipJames Smith...jumped straight in to the challenge of finding a whole new way of working with potential EAL students, leading us in a new direction through your expertise and understanding
Åsa HaeggblomPerserveranceClaire NealeThank you for your work with you year 13 LT. They love you. And thank you more for your support with the 7s an 9s. Ypu have been so amazing - we teachers and students are lucky to have you
Barry WilkinsonZestAmy Freed...and your daughter rocked out, club lighting and all for DC's Better When I'm Dancing video. High five to you both!
Bas OomenKindnessAmy Freed...were a reassuring voice of reason and facts about this entire strange situation for students in your class. I've heard from a direct source that your Zoom classes have been engaging and informative and you always take the time to check in with your students to see how they're doing and answer their questions.
Bob PriestZestPeter Lasscock... for putting all his positive energy into identifying and testing students for admission at a very complex time and putting in place systems that allow online interviews that have informed all of ESF
Brian McCannLeadershipTania Tasker...supporting staff, students and parents over the last few months. Seeking our input and providing clear communication around numerous issues including year level assemblies, Y12 Mock exams and helping individual students who found online learning most challenging.
Carla AcepcionSelf regulationDanielle VeilleuxBy staying actively involved in teamwork and by managing your hours outside of school so effectively -winning!!
Carmel HanlonLeadershipKim Ward... when you stepped into the breach and covered for me as Team Leader whilst I was on compassionate leave after CNY. Thank you for giving me peace of mind and for leading the team so successfully in my absence. I am so grateful for your wise input and significant contributions to our team.
Carolyn HoLove of learningDanielle VeilleuxFor always eagerly trying new approaches to teaching and assessing online, and for remaining positive and energised throughout each transition.
Charlene CannLove of Learning and creativityJason BoonCreating amazing instructional videos to support students' language learning and creating an incredibly warm and supportive online learning environment through class zooms which allowed students to shine.
Charles ChowKindnessVanessa ViirretFor taking time to check in and ask teachers how they are coping with the demands of planning for the return to classes and reminding us to take care of ourselves.
Cheryl OsborneCreativityTania recreating the current Y11 unit so that it was interesting and manageable in the online format. I know that this was something you found challenging and I think you did a fantastic job with it!
Cheryl PacificoTeamworkMaura Corcoransupported our library team by so readily helping with our wishlists from home and all your fantastic work getting the library ready for student return. Thank you so much.
Chris BarrHopeJames Smith...saw past all the uncertainty and kept on finding ways to make things work for students, staff, and parents, always seeking the best possible outcomes for our community even when things seemed impossible
Chris McLeayCreativityAmy Freed...helped our community through our these times by telling them to grab their teddy bears and sing along!
Chris RyanHopeNigel Philipalways being optimistic and looking for positives over the last few months. Your attitude helps create a really constructive environment for both students and colleagues.
Chrstin ArdiTeamwork, KindnessKris Stanhope.were always willing to do whatever is necessary to support the learning in 4KSE. Despite working with two different teachers and being asked to support students in many different ways, you are always understanding and always willing to go that extra step for the students.
Claire LiaoKindnessJoanne Li...always be there for supporting teachers in our team and small groups of students in our team. Thank you
Claire NealeKindnessDanielle VeilleuxFor always checking in on students and staff as Dean, and leading with gentle kindness and always being a great listener
Claire NealeLoveVanessa ViirretSo much love for your Year 7s - it is evident in everything you do for them.
Claire NealePerspectiveCheryl OsborneFor your calm, sensible view of the world tinged with a spark of humour. You are always so gracious even when things are not turning out how you hoped. You have been an amazing addition to the I&S department. Thank you!
Clare the calm and thoughtful way you go about dissecting and solving technological problems. That code your wrote to create and allocate Zoom & Meets to timetables is being used across ESF schools.
Claudia RichardsonKindnessMark Poulsum...always responding in such a positive and proactive way whilst taking the time to check in, ask how everything is going and sharing positive thoughts.
Clement TamTeamwork/LeadershipPat Romano...always put yourself our for others. Working on three pilot projects a finance, ePayment and a PRD system with all the pressuers of working from home.
Coco Fanfairness, loveJoanne Lithank you for your work with Y13 students. The students really appreciate your support
Colleen SasoySocial IntelligencePeter Lasscockhelping students, parents and staff solve technological problems and get back learning online.
Connie CheungLove of Learning and Team WorkJason BoonContinually enthusing her students, colleagues and families throughout the closure with her own passion for learning. This has constantly kept enthusiasm high and maintained focus for all. Also taking on a leading and supportive role within her team to help it flourish in challenging times.
Damian TriminghamZestKim Ward...appeared in our class Zoom meetings full of energy, fun, vitality and you have done a fantastic job of creating engaging PE lessons that the students have loved. I have also LOVED the quizzes you have devised to add an element of excitement to our afternoon Zooms twice a week! Thank you I appreciate you.
Daniel HanssonHumilityClaire NealeYou care so much about your students and your subject knowledge shines through. I have seen, first hand how much you care for your students. Thank you.
Danielle DempseyKindness and FairnessAnge Molonyworked with each student individually on their learning goals for Y11 maths. You considered each student's situation carefully and helped them reach targets that were acheivable and engaging. You also have demonstrated these strengths as you begin your new role as the Y7 Dean. Our students are very lucky to have you leading them in their learning.
Danielle VeilleuxTeamworkAnnette Garnett....have worked with energy, and enthusiasm to make transition day work, despite clashes of days, rooming challenges, gaining information from so many sources in a calm and organised manner. I can't wait to work closer with you next year!
Danny ShihFairness and PerserveranceClaire NealeDanny you have worked so hard with you LT to bring them to where they are now. You have challenged them to improve and grow. Thank you!
David YuenLove/TeamworkPat Romanoyour love in making sure the school grounds are kept tidy, plants alway watered and looking beautiful for everyone to admire. Working with the facilities team in ensuring all is set up and ready for our staff and students to return.
Deb PlantLeadership/Social Intelligence/Humility etc!Jason BoonWow! Deb has expertly guided her team and the learning within it. Always humble in terms of her own role, understanding and empathetic towards the needs of students, families and her team. Whilst constantly setting increbly high standards for what can and should be achieved even at the most challenging of teams. Her support for leadership and those she leads has been immeasurable over the past two terms. Thank you.
Dorothy NgKindnessJames Smith...invested so much time and energy in making sure every Year 13 had a message to farewell them, something that has become a really important symbol of our care for our graduands - thank you
Elaine LeungLoveBrian McCann...pursued diligently every single Y13 student, even the least cooperative, and ensured that they dotted every i and crossed every t for their Extended Essay. You showed superhuman patience and immense care for each individual.
Emma CameronKindnessJason Edwards...sharing your dog, Nala with me and my family as she brings heaps of happiness to all
Emma Fitzgeraldjudgement and kindnessJason BoonEmma has supported some or students who have found the recent weeks most challenging with ongoing kindness and dedication. She has used her judgement and understanding to do and say just the right thing, at the right time, to help keep them engaged, motivated and learning
Emma NeuprezTeamworkCheryl Osbornequickly and efficiently stepped in with Y9 planning for the last unit and got things all set up for the other 3 teachers teaching that unit without complaint
Enrico TuveraCreativityMaura Corcorancontinued to do excellent work on our libguides to support student learning, supported the library remotely completing everything asked so efficiently and to such a high standard and of course your work in preparing the library for student return, Thank you!
Eugene TaskerPrudence and PerspectiveAnge Molonymade plans for the return of students to the design labs that you lead. You first supported opportunities for our graduating students and then, more recently, developed a highly detailed plan for keeping our design teachers and our students safe in the design rooms while still being able to participate fully in the learning.
Fiona AltoftPerseverance, Creativity and LoveAmy Freed...put your heart and soul into the Year 13 Art Exhibition, understanding how important this final showcase is to your students, and making sure they got to have (almost) the full experience and recognition for their hard work and creativity.
Fiona AltoftHumourVanessa ViirretEven when things are really stressful and nothing is going to plan, you are still able to see the funny side of things and find something to have a good belly laugh about. Your smile is infectious.
Frank DonnoliKindness and GratitudeAmy Freed...realized that even faith, trust and a little pixie dust wasn't going to cut it in these circumstances. Sometimes the show can't go on and you handled it magically. Hopefully next year, Peter Pan can fly.
George TibbettsTeamworkSteve Bolton....took on the challenge of solving a multi layered technical puzzle in the shape of rejigged timetables, rooms, video conferencing, 3-ways and made them all work with Turing-level efficiency. My mind was blown. What a team!
George TibbettsPerseveranceFiona Altoftabsolutely amazing, you have made life so much easier for all the teachers that have had to conduct their lives on google meets and zoom for months. We relied on your team and you always had our meetings reading, 3 way conferences included. You made it made it seem easy but we all know how much work you and your team have contributed to the success of the entire online process. Thanks so much.
Gigi JoseTeamwork / KIndnessDeb Plant....worked with her colleagues to carrry out reading sessions which the students really enjoyed. She has been an active part in the zoom sessions and is always ready and willing to help the students. Thank you!
Gillian WhittakerLove of Learning
and Kindness
Shann Anderson.. for constantly showing true kindness and compassion to your students located all around the world, and striving to make your learning program the best it could be - ensuring that learning was supportive, accessible and meaningful to students.
Grant AltoftTeamwork and creativityJonny TateFor championing the CE/I&S IDU and always sharing and discussing new ways to engage students in more meaningful action.
Grant AltoftLoveYour wifeTeaching in the same small apartment for so long was definitely a challenge we never want to face again, but I know you tried to at least try to be quiet while we were both on classes at the same time. I know how hard that must have been for you when you are so passionate about what you are teaching. x
Hannah GrayBraveryFiona AltoftJust the first year you have had...girl... crazy. As if the first year isn't a huge adjustment. You have had to be flexible, work as a team online, survive learning to teach in DC but then online aswell. Really appreciate your "easy going" nature and willingness to chip in and show bravery and perserverance. Thanks so much.
Heidi RaikowskiPerseveranceJason Edwards...alway reaching out and looking to support her LDT students (even when they kept playing cat and mouse with her)
Hema MathivananTeamworkMaura Corcorancontinued to support the library team remotely doing fantastic work with our orders and wishlists and more and of course your excellent work in the library getting it ready for re-opening. Thank you so much.
Hin-Hey LamHumourTania Tasker...always managing to have the best background at our Friday zoom meetings and helping the Secondary Deans with a smile
Hyun Woo ParkLove of LearningFiona Altoftyou completed every task I have asked of you with eagerness to help and learn. To benefit the team and our students. You worked tirelessly on the exhibition and never complained or seemed cranky at the obstacles we faced daily. It has definitely made online learning easier to have you on the team. Thanks so much.
Ian UrquhartTeamworkJason Edwards...always willing to support the Year 6 team and students and so kind and giving of his time and knowledge.
Jackie LaiCreativity and TeamworkMatt Davis...quick in responding to taks remotely, always come into school ready to go and crdeatively finding solutions and working hard to get set up ready for students to return to campus.
James SmithPerspectivePeter LasscockWhen nothing was definate, and everyone had a perspective, you were able to see through the fog and help us navigate towards the most positive options possible in the circumstances. All the while valuing and utilising the skills of the people around you and, mostly, with a smile on your face.
Jason BoonGratitude/ HumourKim Ward... consistently praised and showed your appreciation for our work in preparing online learning engagements for our students every week, through the grids and slides. Your positive encouragement and feedback is so gratefully received and has kept our spirits high, even when times were difficult. On a personal level, I have appreciated the phone calls and being able to share the laughter (through the tears at times). Thank you.
Jason EdwardsPerseveranceAndy Eastwood..when going well beyond your comfort zone when getting to grips with a whole host of new digital technologies!
Jill O'MahonyCuriosityShann Anderson...always showing curiosity during your conversations with students; encouraging all students to share their thinking and experiences and participate in the presented activities.
Jill WalgrenPerseveranceAnnette GarnettFor always having the best intentions for engaging and improving students in Math and Science. You tracked, monitored, and managed the students in your personalised learning group
Jimmy MakTeamworkJohn Poweryou, Tommy and Rudolph make a great team. You just keep getting the job done, and making the life of the whole science team's life so much easier.
Jo GraingerTeamwork, CreativityKris Stanhopeslotted into the Year 4 team so seamlessly and effectively. You were such an asset to the planning that took place, and delivered amazing online lessons for your students.
Jo PavinoTeamwork/ZestPat Romano.....come on campus and ensure students are looked after during this closure. Making sure the school is ready with all equipment when we all return.
Joanna GoodladCreativityJohn PowerWho else has been getting rave reviews at ESF centre for creative experiments in their kitchen
Joanne LiAppreciation of BeautyAmy Freed...didn't let the current events stop you from hitting the beach! Getting out and enjoying the ocean and fresh air with family and friends is always refreshing for the mind and body.
Jodie WilloxBraveryLindsay Fisher... you jumped into our school during the school closure, and you hit the ground running. You have only ever met your colleagues and students online, and that must pose huge challenges, but you are connecting so well with everyone. Thank you.
Joe LeithheadZestPeter putting your hand up and orgainising the Trivia which brought us together, at a time we were apart, for an online social event.
John PowerKindness and gratitudeJonny TateJohn, you are always going the extra mile to express genuine gratitude and appreciation to all members of the science deparment. You've shown great selflesses in offering to give up your free blocks to free up time for others , and you are always looking for ways to support the wellbeing of each and every member of the department. Thank you
John WilsonFairness and JudgementAmy Freed...guided students to switch gears when it appeared that your original plans weren't going to work well in the current situation. Students appreciated that you recognized the difficulty and allowed them to pursue their own interests while still guiding them through product design.
Jonny TateCreativity, leadershipMark Poulsumalways approach problems in a creative way with a solution in mind. You handle really challenging dilemmas in an even-handed way, consider a range of options and collaborate with others to lead to a good outcome. This demonstrates outstanding leadership and is very much appreciated.
Joyce KwokKindnessCheryl Osbornehelped me get an urgent letter for my new school done, then calmly supported and advised me with arranging the courier. Your unflappability was much appreciated.
Joyce KwokProactivity, resilianceClement TamI appreciate your perseverance to always deliver what needs to be done even during difficult times. And thank you for being proactive to complete carefully-planned actions to achieve many great outcomes, including the help with the visa renewal process for the teaching staff.
Judy MokPerseverence, Love of LearningKris Stanhopewere so successful at sticking with your own personal learning during this lockdown period, while making a difference for the stduents of 4KMD at the same time.
Karen ShumTeamwork and JudgmentAnge Molonypay close attention to all of the inner workings of the secondary school and provide constant support, efficiency, and collaboration. You hold so much of the "behind the scenes" work together. Thank you!
Karina CannHumiltyChris BarrI'm not quite sure you realise how amazing the work you do on a daily basis is. Your can do attitude, the speed you work and the manner in which you do it is simply outstanding and something that you should be super proud of.
Kate AgarsPerspectiveLindsay Fisher...always see things from more than one perspective, and put yourself in people's shoes. Be it students, colleagues or parents, you are always able to look at a situation through multiple lenses, and that has been invaluable. Thank you.
Kate PalispersereranceFiona AltoftIt has been a steep learing curve for you I know. You have done your best to stick in there and keep working on the new jobs and skills you haven't done before. Sometimes this is overwhelming, especially online communication ahhahaha. Thanks for continually adjusting and being as flexible as possible.
Kathryn PrattZestShann joining our school during the school closure period, and positively taking on the LDT EA role to deliver group work to our Y1 students.
Katie SalterHonestyAnnette Garnett... for always bringing energy and enthusiasm to your role. You actively listen to students, and they all appreciate how you respond honestly, thoughtfully and effectively in what have been challenging situations.
Katie WarnerLove of Learning
and Zest
Shann Anderson... for always bringing energy and enthusiasm to your online teaching through Y1 meets, instructional videos, and stories - enabling students and families to have fun, stay engaged and feel connected to school and learning.
Kayti MarrZestAmy Freed...submitted an awesome dance video for the Better When I'm Dancing compilation. You've got moves!
Keiko TriminghamLoveLIndsay Fisher...always put the students first. You care deeply about the wellbeing of students, and it comes through whenever you speak about them. You care about their emotional wellbeing and carefully consider what is best for all of them. Thank you.
Kenix CheungPerserverenceAmy perservered and were able to keep most of our tutors working online which helped to keep our students learning and out tutors earning. Having to organise our music programme in the best of circumstances is not easy, so having to adapt in these crazy times wasn't easy. Great job!
Kevin McDavidTeamworkKris Stanhopewere so easy to collaborate with, and always helping the whole team make sure that we are delivering quality online learning enagements for the students in Year 4.
Kevin RydeardloveAlastair Mackask how your students are doing, everyday. Making sure that they have the tools to cope and suceed.
Kim WardHopeAndy EastwoodFor remaining positive and optimistic, even when life has thrown so many challenging situations your way over recent months
Kirsty JonesBravery and HonestyClaire NealeYou have done an amazing job taking on the year 13 class. You have been brave, honest and so, so understanding with these students. Thank you on their behalf. You are awesome.
Kitty TamZest / KindnessDeb Plant..always coming to the zoom sessions with a smile and a genuine willingness to help the students learn. You take on every task with an enthusiasm and positivity that is truely appreciated. Thank you!
Kris StanhopeLeadershipLindsay Fisher... this came through in everything you did during term 2. You were a rock for our team through a very challenging time. You were always just a phone call away, and helped lift us up time after time. Thank you.
Kylie HarrisonZestJason Edwards... keeping 'social distancing bootcamp in a facemask' going when all the gyms had closed, as well as always having a range of solutions to help keep Year 6 on track.
Lawrence WilkinsonZestJason Edwards...always getting involved in the Year 6 Zooms and asking the students and teachers to have a go at your challenges
Leanne SercombeLove of LearningKim Ward...your support for our team during this period has been phenomenal. I really appreciate the lessons you created (with Paisley) to support our home learning about digital citizenship. Your Love of Learning shone through as you experimented with new platforms and technologies to go the extra mile for us and the students. Thank you.
Lindsay FisherPerseveranceChris Barr...your continued efforts to support your team through what has been a really challenging time has been nothing less than extraordinary. Your care, thought and leadership has been outstanding.
Lindsay ShorthousekindnessNicole O'Brienfor your support and care for the team you worked with. You lent a supportive ear and many kind words to colleagues who were facing challenges during this time. We are so appreciative of you!
LinMin JiangCreativity and teamworkNatasha Yuan……when you created so many fun online learning activities that the little ones love. I am also grateful that you took extra work to enrich the resources for the curriculum.
Lisa KlattLoveKim Ward... constantly demonstrate your care and love for all of our team. You are such a caring and giving person and I am so grateful to have you as a team member and a friend.
Lisa SakaiKindness, teamworkClement TamWe could not ask for a better team player with such kindness, efficiency and flexibility. You stick to your tasks in the face of uncertainty brought upon by the new finance system and work from home arrangement. We cannot improve further without you.
Lisa TsangLove of LearningChris Barryour continued efforts to ensure the LOA 2 students have enjyed thier education and learned along the way has been much appreciated. Your enthusiasm and connectedness with the learners is a real strength of yours.
Loretta RomanoLoveLindsay Fisher... jump in and lend a hand whenever you can. You are always looking out for everyone's wellbeing, and put the team's needs before your own. Thank you.
Luc Di GregorioLeadershipClaire NealeAlways generous with. your time and advice. I've always been comfortable asking for guidance and help, especially in terms of DP stuff. Thank you.
Madeleine StanderZest/TeamworkNicole O'Brienshared your excitment and eagerness to lead the children in their online reading groups. Your energy spread to the children who were always so happy to read with you. Your feedback to the Y2 teachers after each of these session showed how you are ready to be a part of a team keen to do the best for the children. Thank you!!
Maggie LeeteamworkJoanne Li...always being supportive, love to hear every time when you say "no problem! Let's do this together"
Mamta MukherjeeZest/TeamworkPat Romano.....always looking for more efficient ways of doing things. Your happiness and zest in our froint office is appreciated by all our community.
Mandy KwokTeamwork/ZestPat Romano...made sure all our suppliers are paid and accounts are upto date, even when working from home. Your zest around the office is infectious.
Maren GasserLove of Learning / ZestDeb Plant...took on individual reading groups and zoom sessions with commitment and enthusiasm. The students enjoyed reading with you and your support for your co workers is really appreciated. Thank you!
Margaret LeePerserverenceAmy Freed... made it through all these days at home! Thanks for jumping in and lending a hand where you could.
Marilou PeraltaTeamworkMark Poulsum...respond so quickly to requests for support, sharing ideas openly and taking the time to consider what we can do to support the students.
Marisa JacksonZest and HumourBrian McCann...managed to be bright and breezy even when circumstances were most challenging for you. Managing home life, finding a workspace, and coping with dodgy internet never got you down - you just kept on going and manged to have fun along the way.
Mark MacKenzieHumourJohn PowerSharing your dogs with yur calsses and bring your pets lessons. Not to mention the supply of WhatsApp laughs
Mark PoulsumLeadershipAmy easily contributed to our Returning to School video, taking us through what Secondary can expect and reassuring our parents that DC is doing everything it can to keep students learning in the best way we can, while still being safe.
Mark PoulsumLeadershipFiona AltoftCalm, caring and gave us feedback throughout the whole process. A very human approach and it was much appreciated.
Mark SteedPerseverence, CreativityKris Stanhopecontinually experimented with new ways of using technology to deliver online learning for the students of Year 4. No matter the frustrations or trials, you were always willing to try something new or take on a suggestion from a team member.
Martha McKeeZestKris Stanhopewere always being enthuasiastic about doing whatever is necessary, no matter which role you are in. Whether its in class Zooms or supporting individual stuents in an LDT role, your energy and passion has made a huge difference to the students you worked with.
Martin De BarrZestLindsay Fisher... You are always full of positive energy when you join our Zoom calls, and it gives us a boost. Thank you for always jumping in to whatever lesson I am teaching and speaking about it very enthusiastically! The students love seeing you in our meetings.
Matt DavisHumor and Love of LearningAnge Molonywhen you face problems head on and look deeply for solutions that will benefit the students and teachers in your department. Your humour allows for open diaglogue when engaging challenging conversations and difficult decisions and it is clear that you lead with the best interests of you students and the love of music (and learning about music!)
Matthew MarshallPerserverenceNigel Philipyour hard work with filling last minute orders and repeatedly sourcing quotes to ensure the department has the equipment needed for school resumption.
Maura CorcoranHumilityClaire NealeAlways ready to bring your expertise to help students. I love working with you. We all do.
Maura CorcoranPerserverencePeter Lasscockyou have kept the orders coming in, marshalled the troops both in and out of the library to get the books covered and catalogued, met budget deadlines, shortlisted and interviewed. An amazing, mostly online effort, in your very new role.
Meena VenkatasubramanianLove of LearningAnge Molonywere always ready and available to support your students and share your enthuasiasm for mathematics. You also showed a love of learning when you quickly adapted, learned a great deal about the technology tools available to you, and then used them all in creative ways to teach and engage with your classes.
Mercia SimeonBraveryKim stepped in and took over guided reading sessions and Zooms so capably and confidently and I am so grateful for your support throughout the whole process. You have been my ROCK every day. Thank you.
Michael KwanTeamworkPat Romano...make sure all furniture and spaces are ready for students to return. You just get in and get it done.
Michael VeilleuxCreativityAmy Freed..when you used your time to make a pretty kick-ass and realistic tour of Discovery College! What a cool thing to do and a great resource for our school. Also the amazing virtual yr. 13 Art Exhbition... mind blowing- Fiona
Michelle JonesZest / Team workDeb take the lead and help wherever and whenever it is needed. The students have really enjoyed your reading sessions. You make things fun! Thank you
Michelle TsangSocial IntelligencePeter Lasscock.. for being part of our public face, for every question, problem, both reasonable and unreasonable and always looking so calm and serene.
Monica LingSocial IntelligenceAmy Freed... became Queen of the Zoom! Bet you never had a Zoom call in you life before this started and now you've organized probably hundreds. Your organisation and efficiency kept everyone up to date and in the Zoom loop.
Morgan RowlandsChris BarrKindnessyour ongoing support of the Year 2 students in CCN has been nothing less than extraordinary. Your kindness and caring for each and every student continues to shine through.
Natalie FongLeadershipJohn Poweryou lead by example. You remain so organised but creative. You ensure that all who work with you maintain high standards by sharing resources and ideas. I also love that you make me look good : ), by having everything running smoothly in all of the Year levels that you work with.
Natasha YuanteamworkJoanne Libest teamwork between our teams for Y6-7 language placement. Won't happen without you...
Nerida KiprotichZest, Love of Learning, LeadershipJason Boon...when joining in your class Zooms. Throughout the period of learning from home you built an incredible online learning environment for your class. Your Zest and love on learning transferred onto the faces and attitude of the students in your class. Whenever I joined sessions, their energy and enthusiam that you nutured put a smile on my face and gave me renewed energy for the day ahead. Your leadership of their learning and leadership within your team has maintained a drive and purposefulness throughout.
Nicki DunnKindness, Social intelligence and love of learningJason Boon...seeing the way you continued to maintain and grow relationships with your students. Always going the extra mile and striving to pffere more and more support and feedback to help the students flourish dispite the challenges they were facing. An awareness of the individual perspectives, not only of your colleagues but also the families you work with - I saw and heard how they still felt incredible closely connected to you and the rest of 1NDN. Your own love of learning shone through in the way adapted your teaching to make the Zooms reflect best early years practice, be so inclusive in structure and dynamic in content.
Nicole O'BrienLeadership, Kindness and Perspective, love of learningJason BoonWow...So many ways over the past weeks you have demonstrated these strengths. I have seen you guide your team beautifully, reassuring and building confidence along the way. Thinking constantly of others and how best to support them. Sharing your perspective at the same time as keeping challenges in persepctive and turning some of those challenges into opportunities. Your kindness towards your class, families and colleagues has helped to develop a sense of positivity and focus on growth and learning throughout.
Nigel PhilipTeamwork/PerspectiveMark PoulsumFor being willing and able to go above and beyond, placing the student interests at the heart of everything you do whilst providing amazing support for the PHE team.
Niroshi LokugeTeamwork/PerspectivePat Romano.....want to come into to school to make sure resourse room is stocked for staff.
Oscar TangTeamworkJoanne Li..great teamwork for Y12 DP planning during remote learning
Pat RomanoPerspectiveChris Barr...your perspective throughout a really challenging period of time has been amazing, and needed in CLT. You have looked at things with a can do attitude and led your team to complete some very challenging jobs, in a really great way.
Patgee SzetoTeamworkAnnette Garnett... your ability to stay on top of what the students in your care were doing in your Learning Team, as well as for your Personalised Learning group, whilst on maternity leave. You liaised with Meena to ensure it was a smooth transition for when you came back into your role to support those students. Thank you for your care.
Patty KellyCourageJohn PowerBeing brave enough to put yourself forward for postions of responsibility. Continue being brave and you should get the rewards that you want in the future
Paul McCrackenHumourDanielle VeilleuxFor always being witty and adding much needed humour into team interactions, keeping us laughing and positive.
Paul McCrackenFairnessVanessa ViirretYou are able to find positives in all of your students and give them equally opportunities to develop their strengths and have their voices heard.
Paul McGoeyHumilityClaire NealeYou have been such a great guide and coach for your Year 7 Learning Team. Always thoughtful and always wanting the best for your students. Thank you for always putting the students at the centre of your teaching.
Paul RenieLove of LearningAmy Freed...were able to make Year 11 higher maths still interesting and accessable for your students online and providing honest, constructive and thoughful feedback during the three-way conferences.
Peter LasscockTeamworkJames Smith...supported across the whole of CLT and made things work seamlessly with the minimum of drama - you do so much to make sure our College is the best it can be
Priya DesaiCreativityKim Ward...worked collaboratively with our amazing team of EAs to create extra brain breaks and activities to liven up our class Zooms. I thank you for your energy, enthusiasm and your commitment to this team and I'm grateful for all you do.
Rebecca LohseBraveryKris Stanhopetook over the afternoon Zoom meetings in 4ASF and delivered great lessons.
Ritu GuptaTeamworkJoe Leithhead...for always being on hand to solve tech issues that our staff and students encountered
Rob StreetCreativityJames Smith...found a whole series of new ways to engage students in a lesson I visited very early on in the class resumption process, and used your humour and intelligence to give them a great learning experience despite the distance
Roger De HoopKindnessBrian McCann...when you went the extra mile, and far beyond, to support the Y13 students in completing their practiical work for DT. You gave them every possible opportunity to succeed and went to the wire for those who needed the most support. Given that this is your first time teaching the course, you did an incredble job.
Roy TamPerseverancePat RomanoEnsuring the school systems are inspected regularly and running as they should. You treat the school as your baby with love and care.
Rudolf YuHumourJohn PowerIt will be great to see you back and work with a smile on your face.
Rusty ManlangitForgivenessJohn Powernever complainging when we send last minute requests for photocopying. You just get on with it, and ensure that we appear organised, when that is not always the case
Sanny YinFairnessAmy Freed...understood that your students needed some time for their assessments so you adjusted their schedule accordingly. I have it on good authority that your Zoom teaching was very efficient and interactive which students benefited from and enjoyed. e
Sarah BarnettSelf-regulationBrian McCann...exercised the most incredible patience with the students who were most at risk of falling off the edge and not succeeding. You never gave up on them, despite every possible roadblock being put in your way and every type of resistance being displayed. Your efforts were quite heroic and made a crucial difference to several students.
Sarah KwongBraveryMaura Corcoranstarted a new job right in the middle of huge preparations for back to campus learning! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm in getting stuck right in and we look forward to working with you in the library!
Scott PrattCreativityKim Ward... constantly find new and creative ways to present our learning engagements using your superior creative and technical skills. You have really raised the bar of our online learning. I truly appreciate you and your skills and I'm grateful to have you on my team.
Shaila SubbaLeadershipKim Ward...handled the guided reading groups in 3LKT so confidently and capably and supported Lisa so well during the class Zoom meets. I am so grateful for your skills, confidence and the great support you provide for the Y3 teacher and students.
Shann AndersonZestAmy Freed...made me LOL at the golf course dance you submitted to the Better When I'm Dancing challenge. Your enthusiasm and sense of humour (not to mention your dance talents) really shined!
Sharon McmahonPerserveranceFiona AltoftYou displayed perservance, care and hope when your yr. 13 art students were continuing to work on their exhibitions and process pages. So much patience. Grateful for all your hard work across the yr.levels and your preparation to give students the best experinece possible online.
Stefan SchearLove of Learning and humourAnnette GarnettWhen helping the students in Year 9 create engaging Short story Sci Fi texts; using your humour to engage the students more were able to embed the required features. Your capsule added another layer to the Zoom experience, and built into the atmosphere we wanted the students to explore.
Stephen LuiCreativityPeter LasscockFor working out ways to solve technical problems over the internet for our students including even remotely resetting passwords.
Steve BoltonLeadership and love of learningMark Poulsumdemonstrate such skill and agility in leading your team in a calm and assured manner, always ensuring a clear way forward. I appreciate how you always place the students at the centre of your thinking and your passion for learning shines through, influencing those around you.
Stevie RatcliffLove of LearningJohn PowerYou clearly do love learning, but what I appreciate is how you ensure that your students love learning as yu take the time and effort to create interactive resources that you sahre with colleagues. I also considered recognising social intelligence, but I must be mistaken as that is never seen in Physics teachers : )
Susie BlomfieldHopeBrian McCann...showed positivity and encouragement for every single student, supporting their ambitions and aspirations even under the most challenging of circumstances. With your guidance and support, they will achieve things that will surprise even themselves.
Suvy ShuPerserveranceNatasha Yuan……working from home with various challenges and still delivering online materials that are relevant and engaging for al students.
Swati IyerZestJoe Leithhead....for being so quick and able to help solve teacher and student tech issues. This allowed many lessons to continue forward because of you.
Tammy TamPerseveranceChris Barr...the way in which you have juggled two roles and supported the set up of the classrooms to support learning has been simply amazing. You have perservered through a challenging time and led your team very well.
Tania TaskerSocial IntelligenceBrian McCann...showed deep understanding of and empathy for the students in your care, and the Learning Advisors in your team. You are always on the lookout for people who might be struggling and need extra care and support, even when you are experiencing challenges yourself.
Tania TaskerPerseveranceCheryl OsborneFor hanging in there through a really tough time with your terrible hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) - extreme morning sickness. You kept your good humour and commitment to your job. You are a true professional.
Tommy LeungHumilityJohn PowerYou continue to do what needs to be done, but don't expect any praise. You have spent 6 years making me look a lot better than I am, and that remains true during the online learning.
Tracey ChittyLove and PersistanceShann AndersonLove and compassion you have for all members of the school community, which shows in the dedicated way you go about your role each day supporting many people. Persistence evident in the way you stretched your ICT skills to create many quality Wellbeing presenetations for School Community.
Tuomas ViirretCreativityJames Smith...adapted the concept of the wellness centre to work at a distance, creating resources and ideas for our community that helped everyone stay well throughout this time
Vallery FabillaLove of Learning/ CreativityKim Ward...have been a constant support to Scott during this period, amking a full and active contribution to class Zoom meets and capably running the guided reading sessions for 3SPT. I value your creativity and your willingness to throw yourself into learning new things to make the greatest impact on our students. Thank you.
Vanessa VirretKindnessAnnette Garnett... have been incredible with your Year 8 cohort. You always brought positivity, hope, laughter to your interactions. Your students value and appreciate your care and concern for them.
Vanessa VirretloveFiona AltoftWhen things have been rough and not going to plan, I really appreciated your support and that I could trust you as a loyal and honest friend to vent to. Also the sanity of our get togethers for a good laugh. As a parent, you are patient, caring and able to engage. Thank you
Vivian WangPerspectiveNatasha Yuan…when you are open-minded to support new students who joined the school during school closure while also answering complex questions from anxious parents.
Wanda WiduritaPerseverance and LoveKris Stanhopecared so strongly for the students of 4MSD throughout this home learning process, and persisted through all the difficulties we faced.
Wendy UrquhartHope & PerseveranceLindsay Fisher... you persisted through innumerable technological glitches, misbehaving computers, and building construction. You came out smiling on the other end, and showed perseverance through it all. Thank you.
Wing Tai ChanTeamworkPat Romanoare eager to come into school to ensure the school systems are running well and work with the FM team to set up the campus.
Winne YamKindness and PerserveranceNatasha Yuan…complete so much work during home learning period, overcoming all difficulties and constraint of working from home. Also thank you for bring your cute baby to our meetings to cheer for us.
YanPing ZhaoKindness, loveJoanne LiIt is so lovely when you receive friends' messages time to time to ask 'how are you?' during remote learning time. Thank you for keeping doing it for me
YuanQi LiKindness,teamworkJoanne Lialways being supportive to teachers in our team and small groups of students.
YueYue WuCreativitity and TeamworkNatasha Yuan…work closely with Ivy in creating the most engaging and fun activities for our students. I am always surprised of how much time and effort you must have put in creating something this amazing!